Friday, August 19, 2005

Hinduism's Contributions to the world

compiled by Bhaskar

1. Rosary beads : To pray
2. Joining hands : To pray
3. Temple bells : To draw attention
4. Star in front of the house : ( as Rangoli) To ward off evil forces.
5. The Swastika : Symbol of well being
6. Circumambulation : As an act of worship
7. Idol worship: God manifested as a symbol
8. Sun Worship : Mitra the ancient religion of the ME and the West, is one of the 13 names of the Sun God.
9. The Crescent Moon : Represented with Shiva.
10. Ritual chant and prayer ( mantra)
11. Use of the 'holy water'
12. Immersion of water: As a ritual of being re-born!
13. The concept of 'born-again'( Upanayana)
14. The concept of Sin ( paap)
15. The concept of the opposite of Sin ( punya)
15. The concept of Reincarnation
16. The concept of Avataars ( Divine Reincarnation)
17. Cross legged meditation
18. Controlling body metabolism through breathing ( pranayama)
19. Vegetarianism
20. Dairy products
21. Use of herbal medicine ( Ayurveda)
22. Concept and definition of God
23. Concept of understanding Right/Wrong as against Good/Evil.
24. Concept of zero and infinity
25. Concept of the Spirit ( Tantric Chakra)
26. Concept of ahimsa ( non-violence)
27. Concept of complete renunciation ( sadhu )
28. Concept of unarmed defence techniques
29. Concept of cosmic time.
30. Concept of cyclical nature of creation and destruction.
31. Concept of the Holy fire
32. Marriage as a religious ritual
33. Concept of symbolic sacrificial offering
34. Concept of righteous living
35 Concept of salvation ( moksha)
35. Concept of parables ( to teach concepts)
36. Concept of organised and logical grammar and syntax in language.
37. Celestial charts to map time and record events. ( Astrology / Astronomy)
38. Concept of the plough in agriculture
39. Concept of the pulley.
40. Concept of the wheel.
41. Concept of the chariot.
42. Concept of mounted animals in war
43. Use of Gold and Diamond in Jewelry.
44. Song - the 7 basic notes
45. Dance- methodical styles
46. Song as prayer.
47. Concept of undersea world
48. Temple architecture principles
49. Concept of organised society
49. Concept of charity ( anna-dana)
50. Concept of periodic flooding
51. Concept of power of gem stones.
52. Concept of pH balanced diet
53. Concept of fitness regime(yoga)
54. Concept of levitation
55. Concept of the aircraft (vimana)
56. Concept of the disc.
57. Concept of the umbrella (in vamana avataar)
58. Concept of slippers
59. Concept of washing of feet of guests
60. Concept of welcome drink.
61. Concept of equality of religions
62. Concept of equality of power of prayer.
63. Concept of a single Supreme God.
64. Concept of women as equals.
65. Concept of women as goddesses.
66. Concept of angels and fairies.
67. Concept of town guardian angels
68. Concept of destiny
69. Concepts to rationalise existence of suffering.
70. Concept of the soul.
71. Concept of virgin motherhood
72. Concept of 'son of god'
73. Concept of self-immolation
74. Concept of cremation-hygienic disposal
75. Concept of rhythm and poetry to pass on knowledge
76. Concept of illusion (maya)
77. Concept of zodiac signs
78. Concept of astrological segmentation
79. System of studying character attributes (psychographics)
80. Concept of scholarly debating
81. Concepts to understand animal and bird language.
82. Concept of understanding attributes of fruits and vegetables.
83. Concepts of understanding 'poison'
84. Concept of magnetic alignment.
85. Concept of several suns.
86. Concept of galaxies.
87. Concept of Universe
88. Concept of 'as many stars as grains of sand'
89. Concept of cosmic balance
90. Concept of cyclicity in evolution (as against linearity)
91. Concept of singing as therapy.
92. Concept of weaving
93. Concept of unstitched clothing
94. Concept of siren ( conch blowing)
95. Concept of purity of water.
96. Concept of using water as a therapeutic.
97. Concept of surgery.
98. Concept of transplants.
99. Concepts on theories of war.
101.Concept of school!
102. Concept of sages ( holy men)
103. Concept of oracle.
104. Concept of demons
105. Concept of prostration
106. Concept of the atom
107. Concept of mass destruction
108. Concept of the laser
109. Concept of the third eye
110. Romantic stories
111. Concept of judgement day.
112. Concept of kingdom of gods (Indra)
113. Concept of transmigration of souls
114. Concept of genetic mapping
115. Concept of cross species breeding
116. Eradication of cannibalism in society
117. Eradication of slavery in society
118. Eradication of apartheid in society
119. Rule by 'council of chiefs'
120. Concept of non-residential education
121. Concept of fees for services rendered ( guru-dakshina)
122. Concept of dynastic rule.
123. Concept of classification of rulers
124. Concept of tank irrigation as a means to sustain water levels.
125. Hygiene rules to ward off disease.
126. Concept of Judgement day.
127. Concept of law
128. Concept of calibrated punishment
129. Concept of exile
130. Concept of atonement
131. Concepts in telepathy
132. Concepts in exorcism
133. Concept of voluntary timed non-suicidal death
134. Concept of religious council
135. Concept of several heavens
136. Concept of hell.
137. Concept of 'ancestor appeasement'
138. Concept of ministerial council and advisors.
139. Concept of non-surgical internal healing
140. Concept of board games
141. Herbal cosmetics
142. Concept of 'other world' beings.
143. Concept of 'divine boons'
144. Rules of war
145. Concept of community feeding
146. Concept of 'non-converting' religion
147. Concept of nectar
148. Concept of immortality
149. Concepts linking food and psychology
150. Concept of universal tolerance.


Blogger bhattathiri said...

The Holy Gita is the essence of the Vedas, Upanishads. It is a universal scripture applicable to people of all temperaments and for all times. It is a book with sublime thoughts and practical instructions on Yoga, Devotion, Vedanta and Action. It is profound in thought and sublime in heights of vision. It brings peace and solace to souls that are afflicted by the three fires of mortal existence, namely, afflictions caused by one's own body (disease etc), those caused by beings around one (e.g. wild animals, snakes etc.), and those caused by the gods (natural disasters, earth-quakes, floods etc).

Mind can be one's friend or enemy. Mind is the cause for both bondage and liberation. The word mind is derived from man to think and the word man derived from manu (sanskrit word for man).

"The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy."

There is no theory to be internalized and applied in this psychology. Ancient practices spontaneously induce what each person needs as the individual and the universal coincide. The work proceeds through intellectual knowledge of the playing field (jnana yoga), emotional devotion to the ideal (bhakti yoga) and right action that includes both feeling and knowledge(karma yoga). With ongoing purification we approach wisdom. The Bhagavad Gita is a message addressed to each and every human individual to help him or her to solve the vexing problem of overcoming the present and progressing towards a bright future. Within its eighteen chapters is revealed a human drama. This is the experience of everyone in this world, the drama of the ascent of man from a state of utter dejection, sorrow and total breakdown and hopelessness to a state of perfect understanding, clarity, renewed strength and triumph.

Mind is very restless, forceful and strong, O Krishna, it is more difficult to control the mind than to control the wind ~ Arjuna to Sri Krishna

In this modern world the art of Management has become a part and parcel of everyday life, be it at home, in the office or factory and in Government. In all organizations, where a group of human beings assemble for a common purpose irrespective of caste, creed, and religion, management principles come into play through the management of resources, finance and planning, priorities, policies and practice. Management is a systematic way of carrying out activities in any field of human effort.

Its task is to make people capable of joint performance, to make their weaknesses irrelevant, says the Management Guru Peter Drucker. It creates harmony in working together - equilibrium in thoughts and actions, goals and achievements, plans and performance, products and markets. It resolves situations of scarcity, be they in the physical, technical or human fields, through maximum utilization with the minimum available processes to achieve the goal. Lack of management causes disorder, confusion, wastage, delay, destruction and even depression. Managing men, money and materials in the best possible way, according to circumstances and environment, is the most important and essential factor for a successful management.

6:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there are hundreds of gods not one and you said they contributed to having one god

7:47 PM  

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