Index of all my blogs
1. "I want Peace"
2. Origin and Necessity of Religion
3. Good one liners
4. Science and Vedanta
5. Fundamental Difference between Hinduism and Semantic religions
6. Basis of Hindu Universalism
7. Freewill vs Destiny
8. Conversion for Money --- Is it ok ???
9. Our Scriptures
10. What does Hinduism tell its followers
11. Why conversions are Dangerous
12. What do Hindus Lack
13. Should we afaid of losing our Culture?
14. Hinduism and Hindutva
15. Is Re-incarnation a reality?
16. Why did God create the Cosmos
17. Dharma
18. Implications of Law of Karma
19. Difference between Karma and Dharma
20. Intelligent Design
21. Hinduism's Contributions to the world
22. Is Hinduism Monotheistic or Polythiestic
23. Indian Culture
24. Are we more Tolerant ??
25. Essence of Hindu Spirituality
26. Index of all my blogs entries
27. Buddhism vis-a-vis Hinduism
28. Understanding how Science works
29. If everything is God, should we then worship a thief too
30. Vivekananda was an escapist ???!!!!
32. Hinduism and Linux
33. Is all this Spirituality Practical and does it have any Utility
34. Advaita, Visishtadvaita, Dvaita
35. Hinduism outside India
36. Religion & Society in Indian and Western context
37. Maya - the most misunderstood word in Vedanta
38. Beware of the Hindu
39. 1962 War with China
40. Why Salvation
41. Communism
42. My Indian origins: Y-chromosome typing (on AIT)
43. Hindutva - its basic ideology
44. "End of Times" in Hinduism
45. Kanchi case -Supreme court says it too
46. Concept of Incarnation
47. Christian terrorism in India
48. Buddha - a Vishnu's incarnation??
49. Spiritual Renewal the Hindu Way
50. Left Wing Extremism
51. Knowing 'that' by knowing which everything is known
52. "Mera Bharat Mahan" will simply saying so do
53. Tantra vis-a-vis Vedanta
54. Can one convert to Hinduism
55. AIDS-Morals-Conversions
56. Some thoughts on Hindu Renaissance
57. The Future of Hinduism
58. Non-Vegetarian food
59. Celibacy and Brahmacharya
60. Caste problem and the communist approach
61. Questioning the myth of Missionary charity
62. The Four Ashramas in life according to Hinduism
63. India's lost girls
64. Lets define Hinduism
65. Status of chamatkaari babaas
66. Hinduism for an Indologist
67. Does God exist
68. Pakistan heading for breakup?
69. Vedantic Tales
70. Reformation - the Hindu way
71. Suicides kill more people
72. Who is the 9th Avatara- Buddha or Balarama
73. The Saga of Hindus in Bangladesh
74. A friendly counsel to Hindutva-vaadis
75. Ahimsa - Boon or Bane of Hinduism?
76. A friendly critique of “ancient Hindu science”
77. Belief is a *belief* dear - and hence only personal
78. Aurundhati Roy – the godess of small lies
79. A puzzle on Emancipation
80. Symbolism of Goddess Kali
81. Hypnotised Realization!!!!!
82. Hinduism vs Humanism !!
83. Our unbiased media!!!
84. Worship of the living God
85. Women in Hinduism – Refutation of the Islamic propaganda
86. Hinduism - Philosphy or Religion?
87. Religion doesnt really matter?
88. Should India become a Hindu rastra?
89. Time Periods of Yugas
90. Rama & agnipareeksha of Sita
91. Should we Evangelise?
92. Why Bharat is a Nation
93. My Favourite Books
94. All paths are true VS (re)conversion to Hinduism
95. Sanyasa- escapism?
96. Neo-Buddhism
97. Understanding how Mind works
98. Answers to some questions of a Christian
99. Social Responsibilities and Govt.
100. Rebirth and the Population growth puzzle
101. Suggestions for Hindu Renaissance
102. Dharma- Individual Collectivism
103. Prophet Mohammed in Hindu Scriptures??????!!!!!
104. Rise and Fall of Civilizations
105. Omnipotent God- A logical contradiction?
106. Left-wing extremism: The "root causes" trap
107. Smasana Vairagya case of Independence Day
108. Sanskrit in the Mottos of some popular organizations
109. Re-examination of fundamentalism of BJP and Modi
110. Sanyasa vs Grihastha
111. Are Yoga and Meditation interrelated?
112. Horoscope – believe or not to believe
113. Veg vs Non-Veg: Killing of plants justified??
114. How come different Saints have different realizations?
116. Economics101 - Demystifying Economics
117. In Search of Some Balance…
118. Hail the new Nuclear Realities
119. The fascination for Hi-Fi
120. Missionary agenda of YSR: From the horse's mouth
121. Elections-09: Introspections of a Hindu-Nationalist
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